Worry faster than ever before that an annoying condition leads to your and thus to everyones satisfaction.We take care of informing the right people.LezzMezz is a platform for people who want to make the world a little bit better - every day. Those who discover an Smirch or Blemish (patron), those who want to correct him (Healy) and those who coordinate that (Wizzy) come together on this platform.The LezzMezz app for Patrons• Report a Smirch (stain) or a Belmish (blemish) that strikes you - across Switzerland.• Supported messages from smirches and blemishes from other users.• Receive alerts when something is going on with your Smirch or Blemish.• Receive the message of correction or healing of your smirch or blemish with photo.The LezzMezz app for Wizzies• Define your area of responsibility (Rayon)• Receive notifications about smirches or blemishes in your area of responsibility.• Concern yourself for their elimination as Healy or assign the order for the removal of the Smirches to a HealyThe LezzMezz app for Healies• Receive messages from smirches or blemishes associated with you from a wizzy.• Report enforcement with a photo and your comments, making the world a little bit better - every day.